Temporary Digs

Revival of the Bloggest

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

the best three glasses of wine ever

it began as a business meeting, sort of.

we were catching up. i was with a dear sweet friend of mine who carries such profound and devastating sadness after losing her husband out of the blue one December midnight, that I feel blessed and quite giggly in my own tragic love stories which include a suicidal boyfriend (no really, a boyfriend whose body I found after he COMMITTED SUICIDE), a boyfriend who was falsely accused of very bad things (by a very bad ex wife) and a boyfriend who had so many secrets and a very bad temper.

it began with a hug and a greeting and a story or seven and continued just long enough to order a third glass of wine and for me to wish we just lived together, like college roomies, who could make some pancakes at midnight (from bisquick) and watch the bachelor on amazon prime later. but then SOMEone would have to clean the bathrooms or pay the electric bill. even college roomies have to face reality some days.

I do hope to see her at least 15 times in my six months solo, because she teaches me things. like:

get a career coach

get a good therapist

use cool apps like voxer and bubblie

and take note. when someone reveals their dark side--when they show their ass, let down their guard and expose their dark underbelly--when they overreact, explode even briefly, act out of character...take note.

and suddenly we were finishing a third glass of wine. that is ALMOST one glass too many for this chick.

so much fun. so real. so perfectly placed in this scary six months of "what does one do when one is not being pursued or kept prisoner..."

ahhh. i get it. one discovers the friends who have so much wisdom and simple goodness to offer. and one has a third glass of wine just to stay a bit longer and learn a bit more.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

the quiet is loud

I'm intimidated by it.

The loud is much easier.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

maybe the real problem is that we do not want the other person to have a back up plan. it's not that we're jealous, necessarily, of another person--of their looks or their position or the life that they could offer. but maybe its that they could potentially be a back up plan, which makes the other person in the relationship safer than we are. and that puts us at a disadvantage, being the one without a back up plan.

but if what we find in this one good relationship is the one theing we've been looking for all along, what do we do?

am i a sort of person that needs to even the score?


maybe i am.

a competitive nature. a drive to win. the desire to be not the loser. not the weaker. not the one who was made a fool.
